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To: Office of Fair Trading


Auto-renewal contracts are a devious and deceptive business practice that see ordinary people repeatedly paying for a service they didn't understand they had been contracted into. They must be scrapped now!

Why is this important?

For the last 2 years running I've unknowingly been debited by a motor breakdown service for breakdown cover because of an auto-renewal contract. Unaware that the company were auto-renewing, I contracted with another breakdown service, so I had double cover at double the cost.
This is a deceptive business practice that benefits insurance companies to the detriment of their customers best interests. It means extra and unnecessary costs to the ordinary person, especially those more elderly people who's memories are not what they once were.
Three years ago in 2012, the Office of Fair Trading warned companies that they need to treat customers "more equitably" on these contracts or face a crackdown, adding that companies using these contracts need to "stop abusing the system". But companies are still abusing the system. It must stop. Scrap auto-renewal contracts now!


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2018-03-03 10:47:02 +0000

10 signatures reached