To: The People and Governments of the World

Scrap Summer Time

Daylight saving time (AKA British Summer Time) needs to be phased out permanently, and have GMT as the standard time year round, eventually phasing it out worldwide.

Why is this important?

Daylight saving time is unnatural and has shown to have more unintentional negatives than intentional positives, particularly for health reasons because an artificial alteration of time, even by a single hour, is shown to be harmful and detrimental, especially to those with mental health issues - furthermore, due to this body clock disruption, the body's functionality and potential is limited and cannot reach its full potential.

Natural solar time (IE: GMT) also matters on a practical level - for eons, man has been in sync with the Earth's rotation, and disrupting this carefully concocted balance also disrupts the natural lunar calendar of the year as well as the now-standard Gregorian calendar, giving the summer season an unfair advantage (8 months of daylight saving time versus 4 months of natural solar time - the goal here is to make it 50/50, as it should be).

From personal experience, I have found it extremely jarring to lose (or gain) an additional hour biannually. As someone with inconsistent sleep patterns and issues with anxiety and a disability (AS), I find this pointless changing back-and-forth more than irritating and counterproductive. This biannual tendency has been standard practice in much of the West since the 1960s and it serves no practical or logical purpose, so why is it still in effect?