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To: BBC and Government

Scrap tv license for care home residents

Scrap tv license for care home residents, they should be exempt, charging them each for a licence if they have a telly in their room is disgraceful, asking for money from someone with Dementia and might only have a TV as company

Why is this important?

Certain residents have no visitors and are bed bound and rely on the TV as a source of company. My mum is 91 and has dementia and to take away a source of enjoyment is disgraceful, especially as we haven't been able to visit her for 7 months now, with the exception of a 15 minute window visit once a week. This is unacceptable the government needs to step in and stop this, make the BBC a subscription only basis Now, not in 7 years time. Let's get people power behind this campaign and give a voice to those who can't speak up



2020-09-15 21:36:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-09-13 02:37:08 +0100

10 signatures reached