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To: Sajid Javid

Send our Returned drugs to Ukrainian refugees

Dear Mr Javid, as you are probably aware, thousands of pounds worth of unused drugs get returned to Pharmacies every week! All of which have already been paid for and all of which are destroyed. Please help us to send this disgraceful waste of Government and tax payers money and put it to good use and help the people of Ukraine at the same time. We need to send this asap, as humanitarian needs increase for the people in this war. Please help push this through.

Why is this important?

Help the people of Ukraine to have a continuous supply of medicine. Stop the waste of unopened and important medication. Medication is returned to Pharmacies for many reasons, because someone has a change of dose, a change of drug, they do not need to take them anymore or someone passed away, to name just a few. It’s disgraceful when people are going without and may fall sick without continuity of medication .


2023-02-25 15:52:17 +0000

25 signatures reached

2022-03-08 20:24:41 +0000

10 signatures reached