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To: Stonegate Pub Company

Show of community support for The Flemish Weaver in Corsham

We the undersigned request that Stonegate Pub Company grant terms to allow the current proprietors to stay on at The Flemish Weaver in Corsham.

Why is this important?

Since Steve, Rob and family have taken over The Flemish Weaver, it has become a wonderful pub, but more than that...a community hub, especially since the COVID crisis began. They have worked tirelessly to adapt to the various changes in advice and legislation, made the pub COVID-secure and provided valuable takeaway services during lockdown. They have also given even more back to the community by donating proceeds to Wiltshire Air Ambulance and providing free meals for NHS/care workers and vulnerable people. Corsham is a small but vibrant community and The Flemish Weaver is a great asset to many of us. Please take this into consideration when negotiating the pub's future, so that we can keep Steve, Rob and the rest of the team in Corsham!

Corsham, UK

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2020-11-25 14:22:52 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2020-11-24 21:14:51 +0000

500 signatures reached

2020-11-24 18:31:08 +0000

100 signatures reached

2020-11-24 18:13:01 +0000

50 signatures reached

2020-11-24 18:03:21 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-11-24 17:55:40 +0000

10 signatures reached