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To: Cllr Nutting, Leader of Shropshire Council

Shrewsbury North West Relief Road - Waste of Money

Dear Councillor Nutting, Leader of Shropshire Council

Please don't spend £21 million on the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road at a time when Shropshire Council is cutting so many vital services.

Why is this important?

Many services provided by Shropshire Council that are vital to our communities have already been cut and many more will be.

If the Shrewsbury NWRR is built, the Council will have to contribute £21 million. In addition, it will have to cover any increase in the cost of the project. Major civil engineering projects are notorious for going over budget.

The Council has been cutting local services across Shropshire. In October Councillor Nutting reported that they will be short of £36 million next financial year. The situation is going to get much worse. Without the road the Council predict they will already be short of £103 million for financial years 2020/21 and 2021/22 when the road would be built. Drastic and unprecedented cuts to services will be needed to deal with this situation.
To knowingly spend £21 million on building a low priority and highly controversial road - with the risk of it costing us even more - would be irresponsible.


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2017-12-05 22:05:37 +0000

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2017-11-04 10:26:37 +0000

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2017-11-04 07:25:37 +0000

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2017-11-03 20:04:06 +0000

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