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To: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Social Housing Service Charge rip off

Change the law on how Housing Associations charge service charge

Why is this important?

London and quadrant have put the service charges up for social tenants to £20pw. this will impact those on low incomes or JSA as the service charge element is paid directly by the tenant. If you get the maximum JSA rate of £78pw you have to pay £20 service charge per week. That creates poverty for all affected by this and is designed to make tenants with secure tenancies move so the property can be put on the market for open rent attracting 80% increase in rent charged.

I live in a small 6 unit property and they are trying to impose this charge without checking the services they give. Presently we have dumped rubbish since November 2019, no entry phone or communal fire alarms.

We barely get cleaning services and the dumped furniture blocks the cleaners cupboard so they cannot get in, so no cleaning.
Currently we get alleged cleaning, gardening,and one bin.
Please signed the petition to end this greed amongst housing associations. Since their privatisation in 2017 under Savid Javid Housing Associations are increasingly behaving like private companies, whilst straddling the lines to receive public funding but operating privately.

This has to be challenged or London will turn into a elite place to live, whilst those in need are carted off to the outskirts of London or further. The government says it has an housing initiative to build more properties, however the properties build are for part rent part buy and are apartments so this attracts large service charges.

We as Londoners most stand up to the government thinking of future generations and what these changes mean, asking the government to look again at the rules for social housing service charge. This is one of the ways housing associations are making money to build privately and not look after their social tenants or build for social rent.



2024-06-14 20:51:08 +0100

10 signatures reached