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To: UK Health Department.

Social Prescription Must Be Added to the UK's Health Service.

We need to incorporate social and nature prescription into the framework of how we deliver health care from preventative to healing of existing ailments.

Why is this important?

The NHS was founded as a two pronged system. There was the NHS - The national Health Service, and there was the NHS - The Natural Health Service. The second NHS is far less well known but equally important. The idea behind the movement was to give all people access to the natural landscape around us for the benefits it gives to us mentally and physically. This was important as people has just returned from second world war - people had died for this land and they deserve access to it. The move to give people access to our natural landscape was blocked by the House Of Lords (as you can imagine they don't want people snooping around there land). The point here is that the NHS was founded under the principle that we would have access to landscape and people. Today, social and nature prescription is on the rise but still has little to no space in the public sphere as a genuine way for us to tackle our health crisis. We need it as a part of our preventative and ongoing care for people with issues from mental health to physical ailments. It's cheaper than medecine and strengthens community bonds and resilience.

United Kingdom

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2022-11-25 10:47:17 +0000

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