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To: Kent County Council

Speed Kills! - Pedestrian & Wildlife Safety - New Barn Road, Southfleet

The purpose of this petition is to gain support for physical traffic calming measures to be installed by Kent County Council along the New Barn Road between Red Street and Broadditch Farm, Southfleet to reduce traffic speed, protecting commuters, school children, pedestrians and wildfowl, together with drivers turning from Red Street onto New Barn Road.

Why is this important?

'Broadditch duck pond' is used by commuter, school and public bus operators throughout the day and into the evening as a drop off point for residents of Southfleet. Despite signage and a 30mph speed limit, these visible measures are often ignored by road users driving through the area at excessive speed, putting the lives of those crossing the road at risk.

The pond opposite Broadditch Farm is a popular local attraction for young children and their parents, where visitors to Broadditch Farm Shop and Manor Farm Barn Pub cross the New Barn Road to see and feed the wildfowl and use the picnic facilities.

Furthermore, the pond is inhabited by wildfowl all year round, during the Spring and Summer months, the young birds (and their parents) often wander into the road, the speed of traffic often results in the death of wildfowl or drivers having to take evasive action putting oncoming drivers at risk.


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2018-07-23 14:06:47 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-07-17 22:04:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-07-17 21:24:54 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-07-17 21:07:18 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-07-17 20:54:25 +0100

10 signatures reached