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To: Buckinghamshire Council

Install anti-speeding measures on Hughenden Avenue

We are residents of Hughenden Avenue, High Wycombe, and we are calling on Buckinghamshire Council to install road safety and anti-speeding measures following two fatalities on our road.

We have traffic lights and speed warning signs at the bottom of the road, by the intersection with Hughenden Boulevard, but we are calling for additional safety measures to be installed on Hughenden Avenue, to prevent further fatalities and injuries from vehicles speeding up and down the hill. Speed breakers/bumps would be ideal, and speed cameras.

Why is this important?

On 20 May 2021, a 56 year-old man was killed by a car in a hit-and-run incident on Hughenden Avenue, near the Lisle Road junction. In November 2016, a resident of the road also died after being hit by a car around the same spot, while attempting to cross the road. Both incidents happened in the evening while it was dark, with both cars not noticing the pedestrians while coming down the hill at speed.

We want additional safety measures to be installed to prevent further death and injury happening in our community, caused by dangerous driving.

How it will be delivered

By email to Buckinghamshire Council.

High Wycombe, UK

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2021-05-24 10:12:53 +0100

100 signatures reached

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