To: Western Leaders and Politicians

Spend Defence budgets on Defence

Use the Defence budgets on defensive measures not offensive ones and stop these racist attacks.

Why is this important?

If the Paris attacks had been carried out by ETA (Basque Separatists) there would be no call to bomb Spain. Involvement in Syria and Iraq results in killing innocents. Their family and friends then become OUR enemies where they were previously for the West.

Nuclear weapons are no deterrent as an attack may come from any country and it may not be that country responsible.

The £millions spent on offensive weapons could instead strengthen border checks which would save us money by cutting smuggling.

Drones are becoming more accurate and cheap. Drones which can kill a terrorist leader can be used to kill any leader. Governments should be investing in defensive measures for themselves and the rest of us.

Bombing thousands or even millions is not a proportionate response.
We do not kill members of organizations to which murderers belong, nor do we kill their family and friends. Someone in IS in Syria or Iraq MAY have planned the Paris attacks but if we don't know exactly who then why are we killing people there?
Spend the so-called Defence Budget on real Intelligence and policing instead and make us all safer, not less safe.