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To: Sir Simon Stevens

Spiritual support for those dying from Covid19

Want Sir Simon Stevens to create a large team of clerics for all faiths and spiritual traditions which can provide spiritual support to those who are very ill and/or dying in hospitals from Covid19.

Why is this important?

We hear the sad stories of people whose loved ones died alone in hospital due to the strict policy which prevents visitors, family members or friends to be with the sick person. We also hear that nurses are doing their best to stay with someone who is dying but they also have to respond to other calls for care. We also know, both anecdotally but from research evidence, that very ill people and those dying find comfort from a prayer, or just the presence of someone who can hold their hand and be with them as they take their last breaths. This is a regular compassionate practice in hospices and they, as well as all hospitals have links with spiritual leaders whom they call upon as needed. In the current unprecedented times, we need to harness the spiritual resources we have and organise them in order to be an essential part of all healthcare teams and to be present, in their PPE, at all times. This compassionate approach to so many deaths will provide comfort not only to patients but to their loved ones and the health workers.

England, UK

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2020-04-15 12:34:31 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-04-09 10:38:18 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-04-08 17:30:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-08 15:33:15 +0100

10 signatures reached