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To: Stagecoach CEO and Local Authority

Stagecoach to change back their revised bus timetables in Dunfermline and Fife(15 th Aug)

I would like Stagecoach to put people before their profits and to change the bus timetables back to how they were before August 15 th 2016. We the public are paying the fares, making their profits,yet they change buses at the drop off a hat which impact on people's working lives. Amazon workers have been massively affected by this, a lot are travelling form Glsagow everyday. The timetables changes have added an extra hour to their commute to work.

Why is this important?

It is affecting people's working lives and not everyone drives or has access to a car. Many elderly people won't be able to get out and about either.


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2016-08-19 12:49:56 +0100

10 signatures reached