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To: Dorset Council

STAND - Save The Area North of Dorchester

This campaign has ended.

Reject the inclusion in the Local Plan of the area north of Dorchester as a preferred option for major building development.

Why is this important?

The building of 3,500 houses to the north of the town is being proposed in a revised local plan.

This would radically and irrevocably change the character of the town.

One of the defining features of Dorchester is the sharp cut off between town and countryside. Once building has been allowed on the slopes beyond the watermeadows, what’s to stop the town sprawling over the countryside? Shouldn’t we be protecting our environment, agriculture and our tourist industry?

Although there’s a need for affordable housing, there is no guarantee of how much of such a development would be affordable; recent figures for East Dorset show that 25% of housing there is bought by Londoners. We call on Dorset Council to share the proposed house building targets more equably across the county and to take its climate change and ecological emergency responsibilities seriously.

Please visit our website for more info

More details on the development can be found here:

How it will be delivered

The updated petition will be delivered at the end of the consultation period for the new Dorset Council Local Plan in spring 2021.
The original petition was delivered to West Dorset District Council on 8 October 2018 to meet the consultation deadline at that stage. WDDC is now part of the Dorset Council unitary authority and the new council is producing a new Local Plan, in which this same area is included as one of the options for large-scale development.

Dorset, UK

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2021-03-11 15:51:58 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2020-12-06 16:14:45 +0000

For updates see our website

2018-09-28 08:49:55 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2018-09-14 07:27:20 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-09-11 18:37:30 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-09-11 17:20:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-09-11 14:59:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-09-11 13:24:49 +0100

10 signatures reached