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To: Weed Killer Companies - Roundup, Resolva and any others!

Stand up for Dandelions - 'Wild Flowers Not Weeds'

Please remove the image of the Dandelion from your advertising and products.
The Dandelion should be categorized and known as a wild flower and Not a weed!

Why is this important?

The wild flower - the Dandelion is a beneficial plant to humans, every part of which can be consumed and in some countries it is cultivated for these purposes. It is also a first source of food for bees in the spring. The advertising of the dandelion as a weed means that people are ill informed about the benefits and beauty of this plant and more bees die as a result. People should be encouraged to use other more natural means to remove dandelions or learn to appreciate them and let them be! For the sake of the Bees and the earth altogether.



2019-05-04 03:43:57 +0100

10 signatures reached