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To: Enfield Council


Reduce size and density of planning application for Blackhorse Tower

Why is this important?

This application conflicts with the Local Plan. The development of 10 and 7 storey blocks with 328 residential units and a 64 room hotel is too dense for this area.
1. The development is too high - it is out of keeping with the area which comprises quiet residential streets of mainly semi and detached homes. It will impact on the views for many in neighbouring streets
2. There will be a huge increase in the traffic on the Cockosters Road (A111) which is already over capacity and unable to cope with the existing traffic both from the North and South as it is the main link to the M25 motorway.
3. Increase in pollution
4. Noise nuisance
5. Strain on existing community facilities, in particular doctors and dentists
6. Strain on local schools which are all already oversubscribed even before the Bolingbrook development fully opens.

Cockfosters, Barnet

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2016-10-11 10:05:38 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-10-10 15:55:43 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-10-10 14:14:46 +0100

10 signatures reached