To: All Companies that issue Gift Cards and Gift Vouchers

The Perfect Crime - Gift Voucher Robbery

Stop Businesses stealing the Gift Voucher and Gift Card Money you buy this Christmas!

Why is this important?

Businesses are using expired Vouchers and Cards as a licence to help themselves to £250 million of our money a year. Make them take the expiry date off cash Gift Cards and Vouchers, or make them donate any 'expired' money to charity!

Imagine this Christmas you give a £50 Gift Card as a present. The recipient is too embarrassed to tell you that it expired before they got around to using it. Guess what happens to your money, Businesses keep it all for themselves, knowing full well that you will never find out.
It's a perfect and unnoticed theft.

Is this fair and honest behaviour? Is theft OK if you don't know about it?

Money given to people as vouchers or gift cards need to be honoured no matter how long the person keeps them in their wallet. Your money has been spent in the stores in good faith, in the full expectation that retailers will honour the voucher or gift card and supply goods and services to the full value of the card. Taking someone's money and not giving anything in return is theft even if they never find out..
Sign the petition if you are fed up of this underhand practice and want it changed.
