To: EBay

Stop Ebay allowing the resale of essential baby items at high prices during Covid 19

During all the panic buying going on with Coronavirus, people are buying all the shop stock of essential baby items like baby formula, milk, nappies and wipes and then putting them up for sale on Ebay at double, triple and more of the original sale price.

Many families already struggle to afford the cost of these items. Research already show that babies of low-income families are more likely to suffer from unsafe practices such as skipped feeds or watered down formula.

People buying formula to sell at extortionate prices on Ebay poses a genuine threat to babies whose families can't find these items at regular prices in store and then can't afford the extortionate prices on Ebay. It's disgusting that people are able to profit at the risk of babies wellbeing and potentially lives.

I'm petitioning for Ebay to stop allowing people to sell essential baby items for anything more than their original price.

Why is this important?

It poses a serious threat to the wellbeing and lives of babies.

How it will be delivered

Via email

England, UK

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