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To: Lambeth Council

Stop fencing off and damaging Brockwell Park

We seek an end to the enclosure of Brockwell Park for unsustainable commercial events.

We are caught in a cycle of fencing for events and re-fencing to repair the inevitable damage. This robs the community of its peaceful Open Space and of amenity grassland for an unacceptable length of time during prime spring/summer months. 

Serious compaction of soil is leading to a loss of trees. The council is considering a radical restructure of the ground for increased drainage and footfall resilience. This will permanently alter the space to its detriment.

We are seeking:

1. A cessation of large-scale commercial events.

2. A transparent assessment of the damages in 2024 and in preceding years. To be followed by an eco-friendly management plan, rather than intrusive ground works to facilitate more events.

3. An Events Strategy formulated with the main criterion of an offering for local people and visitors, founded on the necessity of not only maintaining but improving canopy coverage and biodiversity on the present events area.

Brockwell Park was given to the community in 1892: a green lung set aside from the smog and traffic. It serves a vital and valuable daily function which should not be bartered away. It must no longer be treated as a commercial asset.

Why is this important?

To protect Brockwell Park from ecological damage and stop fencing off public space so everyone may enjoy it. 
Lambeth, London, UK

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