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To: Chancellor of the Exchequer - George Osborne

STOP George Osborne Selling Britain

Dear Chancellor George Osborne

Please Stop selling Britain's assets off, land or sites of historical interest... to 'anyone', as they belong to the people, NOT the government, they are a part of our children's heritage, they are also a part of the British people's history.

Why is this important?

It is important you do not sell these things because If you sell off our history & heritage, you are in effect destroying Britain and I think you will find that the honourable British people do not wish you (or anyone) to do it, neither did Britain fight in two World War's, to then just sell off pieces of our history, land & heritage sites. Our history, land & heritage is not for sale, at any price, to true Brits, it is 'PRICELESS'.



2015-12-27 12:49:46 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-02-13 21:36:08 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-01-20 17:39:14 +0000

10 signatures reached