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To: Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe - Met Police Commissioner

Stop Judicial Corruption within the Royal Courts

Please stop ignoring all the evidence of Judicial Corruption within the Royal Courts of Justice, and also stop allowing the Criminals funding this corruption to use Met Officers to harrass the Victims of that part of the Cover-Up of various Fraud "The Greystones Fraud"...

Why is this important?

We all now know that many of our Politicans are corrupt, most of our Bankers are corrupt, and many of our Institutions have been highjacked by the rich and powerful to further their own interests. Unfortunately corruption within the the "sacred" Royal Courts of Justice has now also been exposed...but is being Covered-Up with the help of the Met Police and the current Government. Please help make the Met Police accountable to the Public and Victims of Crime, and help to force them to stop acting as "puppets" of the high profile and wealthy Criminals who have been exposed as having incredible links at the very top of the current Government...and the Judiciary...links which they have relentlessly exploited to avoid prosecution for Fraud and Perversion of the Course of Justice. Corruption within the very heart of the Judicial System has appalling implications for everybody in the UK. If a Legal Judgment can be bought, how can the system ever protect the very people who need it, i.e. the vulnerable? If people cannot have trust in either the Civil or Criminal Justice Systems, then the implications for the future of the UK are scary as what option is left for Victims but to take the law into their own hands for justice to be done and seen to be done?



2017-05-22 18:49:50 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-07-14 20:58:31 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-01-12 09:43:25 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-10-23 12:18:33 +0100

10 signatures reached