To: Liverpool City Council

Stop KFC Opening Next to a School

Stop the construction of a new KFC on the corner of Horrocks Avenue directly opposite the Academy of St Nicholas Secondary school.

Why is this important?

The UK has one of the worst childhood obesity rates in western Europe with Fast food companies one of the main culprits for this increase.

Childhood obesity is no joke as it leads to a higher chance of premature death and disability in adulthood and a higher risk of developing cancer, diabetes and heart disease etc. 1.

Considering the national campaigning by the Govt and NHS etc to reduce childhood obesity rates which is being cited as a national emergency 2. Allowing KFC one of the worst offenders in terms of unhealthy, highly fattening fast food to build another chain directly opposite a school is a disgusting example of inadequacies in the planning system.

The information provided to local residents by LCC prior to the start of the build was woefully inadequate to non existent with most local residents not knowing about the plans until the hoardings had gone up and foundation work had started.

Please sign to stop this in its tracks before it has a detrimental effect of the children of south Liverpool




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