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To: Local councils


Prioritise assessing children for ASD and stop leaving them and losing them in a long and complicated process.

Why is this important?

Too many childrens lives and educations are being ruined by the lack of diagnosis or lengthy waiting lists. Causing them anxiety and long term problems as well as a lack of reasonable education.
My son displayed all the signs of autism in primary school with constant meltdowns and yet was always excluded this has continued into secondary school. After being rejected three times by CAHMS he finally has an autistic diagnosis (scoring high on the spectrum). This has come in year 9 which has caused him to miss years of education struggling in mainstream schooling and multiple exclusions as well as a conviction for me and a hefty fine (for his poor attendance) after being taken to court by the same council that failed my son for so many years!



2016-04-19 14:27:30 +0100

10 signatures reached