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To: West Lancashire Borough Council Cabinet members

Stop development on Green Belt land at New Cut Lane

The residents of New Cut Lane and the surrounding area want you to reconsider your aggressive approach to pushing through the release of Green belt land for development in New Cut Lane, Halsall.

Why is this important?

There are many who believe this proposed site, adjacent to New Cut Lane is not the most suitable, compared to other sites identified for a number of reasons, which includes
Roads that are unsuitable to meet the existing traffic needs, the loss of grade A agricultural land and loss of wildlife habitat. Plus this land does not follow what is expected as an expansion of a town from its boundary. If permitted and released it will open the door for further development

West Lancs has stated they need to address a shortfall of new homes, yet as this proposed site is on the far edge of their border the majority of homes built are likely to be purchased by people from the Southport/Sefton council area/region and not from across West Lancs. Surely this contradicts their reasons for its development and does not address the housing shortfall in real terms.
This proposed development will impact on Sefton council services, i.e schools, medical services and not West Lancs, as it's closer to all the services in Birkdale and Southport than any other major town in West Lancs.

The council freely admits in earlier documents that due to the peaty ground, extensive stabilisation will be required, which means deep piling. The noise and disturbance to existing residents will be immense, plus there is a real risk of subsidence to the existing homes on New Cut Lane and potentially Guilford Road. This area has also been designated a flood plain by the environment agency with risk of flooding, and many of the existing homes already suffer from flooded gardens during heavy spell of rain.

And finally the question must be asked - Will a future vote by councillors to open up this site be politically motivated? As there are far less potential voters effected by this in New Cut Lane, than other sites that were identified for consideration...

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2013-07-30 15:33:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2013-07-26 12:39:24 +0100

50 signatures reached

2013-07-24 08:48:07 +0100

25 signatures reached

2013-07-21 23:40:39 +0100

10 signatures reached