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To: Ian Gambles - Director, Forestry Commission

Stop Oil Exploration in the Surrey Hills – AONB. UK

Do not renew the Europa Oil and Gas's Lease on Bury Hill Woods off Coldharbour lane, when it comes up for renewal at the end of its 3 year term (Sept. 2018).

Stand by the mission statement and purpose of the Forestry Commission: ‘to protect and expand forests and woodlands and increase their value to society and the environment’, and fulfil the 'objectives for forest policy on climate change - carbon sequestration via tree planting and forest management'

Play your part as the Forestry Commission, and protect Bury Hill, Leith Hill and the surrounding countryside as designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Why is this important?

Leith Hill is a landmark beauty spot in The Green Belt of the Surrey Hills and is topped by Leith Hill Tower. The tower was built in 1765 by Richard Hull of Leith Hill Place as “a place for people to enjoy the glory of the English countryside”.

Hundreds of thousands of people visit this area year round. Walkers, horseback riders, cyclists, motorcyclists, families on a day out, day trip coach tours, tourists and locals. They all come here to do just what Richard Hull hoped his tower would inspire.

Oil & gas exploration is a commercial investment in the fossil fuel industry. Bury Hill, Leith Hill and the surrounding countryside are AONB designated sites and in The Green Belt. It is difficult to find land where the legal statutes are more set against industrial and commercial development. Surly sustainable, ethical, recreational and woodland based small businesses would be a better example for you to generate income.

Sutton & East Surrey Water have stated that there is a very real risk of contamination to the water supply and the ancient and narrow sunken lanes are not appropriate for industrial HGV traffic. The logistics operation for the traffic management alone will make Coldharbour Lane impassable, causing detours and traffic disruption throughout the surrounding area.

The District Council, The County Council, The National Trust and local Parish Councils are against it. For nine years local residents have managed to delay production and opposition is growing as we get national press and media.

The amount of activity, the number of HGV journeys and a 35m high derrick in this beautiful landscape will make a travesty of its AONB & Green Belt designations. Exploration and possible extraction of fossil fuels contradicts your mission statement and our international commitment to reduce carbon emissions.

If the Forestry Commission is truly the steward for forests and the people, then how can you go against the wishes of the local population and their elected representatives in this way?



2023-07-10 15:59:04 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-01-18 20:21:45 +0000

100 signatures reached

2018-01-18 11:13:24 +0000

50 signatures reached

2018-01-17 20:44:16 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-01-17 17:20:12 +0000

10 signatures reached