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To: Boris Johnson


Stop online racist abuse in our nation. We need all social media platforms to use identification checks before people can view any content or write any posts. If we did this I think people would think twice before abusing our people. Nobody deserves this and it’s letting us down as a country. Marcus Rashford is a inspiration and he worked so hard during the pandemic and does not deserve to be abused for any reason let alone the colour of his skin. Strict identification checks such as uploading of photo id and verification checks by admin staff needs to happen. For an account for a minor or anyone without photo ID should need a parent/guardian to set the account up.

Why is this important?

Because this issue is letting our nation down. Nobody deserves to be abused and if we can do 1 small thing to change this then why shouldn’t we?

United Kingdom

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2022-01-02 17:53:23 +0000

10 signatures reached