2024-08-16 08:16:38 +0100
To: Councillor Shivraj Grewal, Lead member for parking, Hounslow Council
Stop plans for motorcycle and scooter parking charges in Hounslow

Hounslow Council should urgently reconsider their plans for motorcycle and scooter parking charges, or risk devastating impacts to the lives and livelihoods of riders and those who rely on them.
· Motorcycle bays charged at £1-£2 per hour, totalling £2,000-£4,000 per year for a commuter
· 20-40 times more expensive than the few other Boroughs who charge for motorcycle parking
· Residents’ motorcycle permits to cost up to £120 per year, business permits up to £520
· Charges even for electric mopeds which have no more impact than Lime bikes
We are extremely concerned about the effects that these changes will have on riders who live and work in the borough of Hounslow. We believe that the proposals will be detrimental to the economy and life of the borough. These changes are disproportionate, unjustified and not evidence based.
Why is this important?
Our concerns include…
Damage to the economy of the borough and the livelihoods of those who work in the area
The proposed parking charges will make it impossible for many riders to work or visit businesses in Hounslow borough. This includes commuters, delivery riders and couriers, but also volunteer riders who provide vital support to the NHS such as Blood Bikers.
Around half of all motorcycle journeys are for commuting. The proposed charges will be unaffordable for the majority of riders, most of whom are on low incomes. The proposals will make it impossible for most who commute by motorcycle or scooter to continue to do so.
It’s a mistake to assume that in all cases walking, cycling or public transport offer a viabe alternative.
The proposals are disproportionate and unfair to riders
With the increasing popularity of new micro-mobility modes it makes no sense to treat motorcycles and scooters as similar to cars, when in reality they are more similar to other 2-wheeled modes. An electric motorcycle for example has similar impacts to an e-scooter or cargo bike, but their riders are penalised under these proposals just for having a licence and number plate.
Lack of appropriate consultation or evidence
The recent parking consultation made no specific mention of plans to charge motorcycles, only talking in vague terms about the parking strategy being able to 'consider' motorcycles.
Many riders who would be affected by these new charges have not been aware of the consultations, or were not aware that they related in any way to motorcycle parking charges. We are extremely concerned that the changes will go ahead without reasonable engagement with those who it will affect the most. In addition, the Council’s evidence base used to support these charges is flawed, and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of motorcycles’ overall behaviour and impact.
Hounslow Council should reconsider in light of the facts about motorcycle and scooter use
Motorcycling is a transport mode relied on by a diverse range of people, including nurses, doctors, couriers, delivery riders, business owners and volunteers. Those who use motorcycles and scooters, due to the nature or length of their journey, often cannot reasonably use other means of transport. For many, a motorcycle or scooter is the only affordable option for their travel needs.
On a per km basis motorcycles and scooters produce significantly lower emissions than cars of CO2 and key pollutants such as NOx, PM10 and PM2.5. Many councils who are implementing Clean Air Zones are exempting motorcycles, recognising their relative cleanliness as a mode of transport.
Motorcycles and scooters also do not contribute to congestion, and therefore their use has the effect overall of reducing emissions from other vehicles. The fact that 8 motorcycles can park in a single car bay frees up kerbside space for other uses, further easing congestion, or allowing it to be converted to space for walking, cycling or leisure.
Motorcycles and scooters also do not contribute to congestion, and therefore their use has the effect overall of reducing emissions from other vehicles. The fact that 8 motorcycles can park in a single car bay frees up kerbside space for other uses, further easing congestion, or allowing it to be converted to space for walking, cycling or leisure.
Evidence from TfL’s individual testing regime for older (i.e. pre 2007) non-ULEZ compliant motorcycles shows that 8 out of 10 allegedly non-compliant machines are in fact well within the specified ULEZ limits. TfL’s own data also show that per passenger emissions per mile from TfL buses are higher than most motorcycles and scooters.
Not all trips can be replaced by walking, cycling or public transport. For those that can't, motorcycles and scooters are the best alternative to cars. Instead of seeking to unfairly punish riders. Hounslow should follow the example of other Councils in recognising the value of incentivising motorcycles and scooters over car use, as a means to meet their air quality, climate change and kerbside strategy goals.