To: British MEP's

Stop Qualified Majority Voting!

Abolish QMV and re-instate the right of individual member states to veto, regardless of other members decisions and populations

Why is this important?

Abolish QMV and re-instate the right of individual member states to veto! The Treaty of Lisbon provides for a blocking minority composed of at least four Member States representing over 35% of the EU population. Until 31 March 2017, any Member State may request, on a case by case basis, that a decision is taken in accordance with the rules in force before 1 November 2014 (i.e. in accordance with the qualified majority as defined by the Treaty of Nice). In simple terms, this means that unless serious action is taken in the next 2 years, any opinion or decision made by a member state can be blocked by another. In the context of the UK, it will be very unlikely we will ever be able to leave the EU after this date, as currently, we would need the permission of 10 member states! This will progress the plan of a European Superstate! This must stop now!

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