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To: Devon County Council

Stop the clawback from children's education budgets

Devon County Council are proposing to fill a black hole in their Higher Needs Block funds by clawing back £55 per child from school budgets. Maintained schools in Devon cannot take this additional cut in their funding. It will mean Heads having to cut staffing levels within already stretched School budgets - it is a cut too far. The Government have stated in their Queen's speech that the funding for schools will be amended, we need to hold them to that, rather than making these cuts

Why is this important?

Heads in maintained Schools in Devon are already struggling to balance their books and retain staff. This will be a cut too far and have a massive impact on School staffing, teacher morale and, ultimately, our children's education and futures.

How it will be delivered

The signatures will be emailed to County Councillors and MP's


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2016-12-14 22:16:22 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-12-02 09:06:17 +0000

10 signatures reached