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To: [email protected]

Stop the Cranswick Mega Farm: Protect Our Environment and Animal Welfare

We urge you to take a stand against the proposed mega farm. Modern animal agriculture techniques are not only cruel, especially for pigs and chickens, but also pose serious threats to our local communities. The intensive confinement, lack of natural behaviours, and inhumane conditions in such large-scale farms lead to immense animal suffering. Additionally, the environmental impact, including pollution and resource depletion, alongside potential health risks to nearby residents, make this project a threat to our way of life. Join us in advocating for more sustainable and humane farming practices.

Why is this important?

The establishment of a mega farm is critically concerning for several reasons. Firstly, modern animal agriculture techniques, particularly in large-scale operations, are notoriously cruel. Pigs and chickens are often subjected to extreme confinement, preventing them from engaging in natural behaviours. This leads to significant physical and psychological suffering for the animals.

Secondly, the environmental impact of such farms is profound. These operations generate large amounts of waste, which can contaminate local water supplies and contribute to air pollution. The excessive use of antibiotics in these settings also poses a risk of developing antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can affect human health.

Moreover, the presence of a mega farm can have serious repercussions for local communities. The potential for foul odours, increased traffic, and noise pollution can degrade the quality of life for nearby residents. Property values may decline, and the local infrastructure could become strained under the increased burden.

In summary, opposing the mega farm is vital to protect animal welfare, safeguard our environment, and ensure the well-being of our local communities. Promoting more sustainable and humane farming practices is essential for a healthier, more ethical future.
Methwold, Thetford IP26, UK

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2024-08-24 00:11:14 +0100

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2024-08-03 13:39:08 +0100

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