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To: Vodafone Ltd & Telefonica UK Ltd (that's O2) & CTIL Ltd (Vodafone / O2 infrastructure company)

Stop the phone Mast on Warren Road outside the Nursery and schools

Please don't build the phone mast on Warren Road, Woodingdean.
The planning application was refused but got through due to an error in the council post room.
The site is directly outside a nursery school and is within just a few 100 yards of 2 other schools.
This is not the right place for a phone mast.

Why is this important?

CTIL Ltd & Vodafone Ltd & Telefonica UK Ltd need to listen to the residents and do what is right by not building the mast.

The planning got refused, yet they are proceeding despite the objections from residents and councillors due to a technicality in the council post room.

It is too close to young children, schools and residential flats

The Vodafone website says:

"We consult local authorities when we plan to install a mast or network equipment. Sometimes we have to apply for planning permission, depending on the appearance and size of the proposed mast. We also routinely talk to local communities and others involved in the planning process. We believe that being open about what we are doing makes it easier to maintain and develop of our network. It’s important that we keep local people - who will ultimately benefit from our service - fully informed."

You don't seem to be listening to your own policy now..
Woodingdean, Brighton

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2016-10-01 09:21:02 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-09-30 23:06:11 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-09-30 17:56:23 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-09-30 16:39:12 +0100

10 signatures reached