To: Seabridge and Clayton residents and community

Stop the proposed mobile phone mast being built on the corner of Roe Lane + Seabridge Lane

Lets stop the building of this huge mast in a very built up and busy area.

Why is this important?

An application has been made by CTIL and Vodafone for a proposed 15 meter high mobile phone mast/beacon to be build on the corner of Roe Lane and Seabridge Lane. My objections are regarding the safety concerns and the positioning of this beacon.

Concerns still remain about the safety of these structures. Regardless of various research reports, their is an acknowledgement that these masts do emit radiation. Ultimately this is something that concerns me as the mast is only a few meters away from Seabridge primary school.

I’m also concerned for the families that live close to the proposed site. The area around the planned mast site includes the Seabridge Estate, Seabridge Lane and Roe Lane. You might have guessed – I’m one from one of those families.

Aside from the health issues there is the matter of its positioning. I’m not a hypocrite, I like most people use modern mobile technology and understand that mobile phone networks expand.

But this mast is being positioned in a way that its visual impact is being maximised rather than reduced. Unlike other masts locally, there is no attempt to hide it or position it in a way that would be more subtle. This mast is being place in a junction of two very busy, very built up areas. Not a hint of subtlety has been used here!

In a nutshell, this is a bad location for this to be built. We understand that the signal coverage would be increased yes… but at what cost to the local area?

Please help support the residents of this area.

Many thanks,



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