100 signatures reached
To: We will present the petition to Camden Council
Stop the proposed redevelopment of Mansfield Bowling Club into a 5 Floor Private Care Home

We appeal to Camden Council to take neighbours’ objections into consideration and reject the proposed building.
Why is this important?
The development would create a 78-bed private care home in a massive and dominating mini hospital building, operating 24 hours.
The proposed development:
• Is massive 5 floors, including basement, in a single dominating building
• Will cause irreversible harm to the Conservation Area
• Is contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan
• Provides no housing of any sort, including affordable housing
• Damages protected open space with no proper plan for public access nor management
• Will cause pollution and much increased traffic in a neighbourhood with three busy local schools and beyond. Road Safety will be compromised.
We appeal to Camden Council to respect the character of the Conservation Area and the wishes of the community.
This development must rejected!
The proposed development:
• Is massive 5 floors, including basement, in a single dominating building
• Will cause irreversible harm to the Conservation Area
• Is contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan
• Provides no housing of any sort, including affordable housing
• Damages protected open space with no proper plan for public access nor management
• Will cause pollution and much increased traffic in a neighbourhood with three busy local schools and beyond. Road Safety will be compromised.
We appeal to Camden Council to respect the character of the Conservation Area and the wishes of the community.
This development must rejected!
How it will be delivered
We plan to deliver the petition to the Planning Committee of Camden Council