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To: Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Natalie Bennett

Stop the right wing slide of this country!

In the event of a hung parliament after the general election next year, we the people demand a government that serves us! I believe a left wing coalition of Labour, Lib Dem and the Green party is the only way to have a true majority government that would serve the majority of the people in this country.

Why is this important?

Many ordinary people in this country fear another Tory government and are also concerned about the rise of UKIP. If the result of the 2015 election is similar to the 2010 result we do not want a tory government of any sort!

The only way to achieve this in my view is a coalition of left wing parties. All three parties together would be a government of social, economic and environmental justice for all and not just the wealthy elite.

We call for the three party leaders to come together now and agree to a true power sharing coalition in the event of a hung parliament. If this happens, then if you vote labour you'd get Labour, If you vote Lib Dem you'd get the Lib Dems and if you vote Green you would get the greens.

Please, do this for the good of the whole country!



2014-11-22 18:00:59 +0000

10 signatures reached