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To: Jeremy Hunt

Stop the sell off of NHS assets. Ditch the Naylor Report.

Ditch the Naylor Report and stop selling off NHS assets to private speculators cheaply. Stop the impending sell off of Charing Cross Hospital.

Why is this important?

I have worked for 42 years in the NHS and care deeply that it should not be privatised or sold but remain in public hands free for all to use.
The Health Service Journal disclosed last week that the Department of Health was preparing to create six regional public/private partnerships covering all of England that would oversee sales of NHS assets (land and buildings). The plan, codenamed Project Phoenix, would see the proceeds from asset sales being shared between NHS organisations and private firms. Under the plan, London and the south-east would comprise one giant, and very valuable, area to speculators. Naylor proposes to make this compulsory.
This is so WRONG.



2018-06-01 12:42:55 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-06-21 14:35:49 +0100

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2017-06-18 18:38:52 +0100

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