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To: Royal Mail Group Ltd

Stop the Stamp Expiry

Stamps without barcodes will not be valid after 31st January 2023. The Royal Mail has wasted a vast sum of money on an exchange system, forcing people to swap their existing stamps by this date or lose the money spent on them. This scheme should be scrapped and people should be allowed to use their old stamps indefinitely.

Why is this important?

People have better things to do with their time than round up all their existing old stamps, complete a form and submit them for new style stamps. Many people will have bulk bought in order to protect themselves from future price rises, on the understanding that they would be valid forever. Now Royal Mail is moving the goal posts by making them expire and has wasted a vast sum of money organising an exchange system and producing publicity; this at a time when the organisation is making a loss. People should not be forced to waste time exchanging their stamps, making sure they have submitted them all and then being in a situation where they find some after the expiry date and they are worthless.



2022-11-04 15:46:12 +0000

25 signatures reached

2022-10-31 23:10:00 +0000

10 signatures reached