To: The Government

Stop Unsolicited and nuisance calls from anonymous companies

Stop allowing companies to set up anonymously and then make unsolicited calls.

Why is this important?

Companies are setting up all over the country (and abroad) and making unsolicited calls to our homes and mobiles. You can never find out whom they are because they hide. This despite them having been issued with a telephone number (and yes, often it is a UK number), yet there is no register of them!
One company in Swansea (the review centre on 01792 917559) call to tell you that your life insurance is due for review. When you question which policy; they swear and hang up.

Some of these companies are legitimate and just making a living, so the legitimate ones surely would have no issue being on a register? How difficult can it be that when a new telephone number is issued, it's registered on a national data base so that you can report the company?
The government need to step in and take control of this because people are being ripped off left right and centre.
It costs the U.K. Economy £193 Billion in fraud every year. That's £6000 a second!
It rips the life out of OAP's who lose their hard earned savings and it destroys life's.

In this day and age something can and must be done.
Sign the petition and let's make some noise and stop the rip of scammers because it could be you, your parents, your grandparents or your friends next.
