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To: Lewes District Council & East Sussex County Council

Schools Should Not Be Used As Polling Stations

Stop closing schools so they can be used as polling stations.

Why is this important?

Lewes District Council have yet again taken the decision to use Cradle Hill CP School as a polling station and therefore the school will be closed, not just on the 2nd May but also on the 23rd May, equating to 13 hours of missed education, in a term that already has two bank holidays.

Our children’s education is extremely important. Something that East Sussex County Council like to remind us with their Get a Grip Campaign and the fines they impose on parents and carers for taking their children out of school.

13 hours of “forced” missed education in one year is not acceptable, the knock-on effect is huge, especially with SATs coming up, children with special needs loosing precious time, those who rely on school dinners each day as their only hot meal and the extra financial burden to parents and carers.

There are plenty of community buildings in the ward that could be utilised for this purpose ie Seaford Community Church and Seaford Children’s Centre.

Let’s get this decision over ruled.

Seaford BN25

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2019-04-25 21:24:06 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-04-25 19:40:05 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-04-25 18:09:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-04-25 16:28:44 +0100

10 signatures reached