To: CEO's of major supermarkets

Stop waste, feed the hungry

Donate your unsold, surplus food produce to food banks or homeless shelters and help feed the hungry.
Follow in Tesco's footsteps who donate their food to 'FareShare' where it is donated to places such as breakfast clubs, women's refuge shelters and homeless hostels.

Why is this important?

Emergency food bank use is it some of it's highest levels.
Trussel Trust remains at record high with over one million three-day emergency supply packages being given to people in 2015/16.
This shows more and more people in the UK are going hungry.
Currently there are tonnes of produce from supermarkets in the UK being wasted.

By major supermarkets following Tesco's example and signing up to schemes that donate this surplus produce to those going hungry it will immensely help the ever-growing problem!

United Kingdom

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