To: UK Ministers for Innovation and Technology, and for Defence Procurement

Stop wasting £billions on farcical and doomed technology projects!

  • For effective and efficient management and engineering of technology projects, devise legislation to impose formal Competence Management, based on objective criteria, on procurer and supplier organisations.
  • Ensure technical competence permeates all levels (director/CTO, management, engineering).
  • Ensure incompetent buzzword-bandits are removed from positions of technical authority.

Why is this important?

Over several decades, procurer and supplier organisations have combined to squander £billions of UK taxpayers money on techno-junk. In this regard, UK defence and government IT projects have been notoriously shambolic for decades, as indicated in:

The Post Office Horizon scandal is a prime example of unreliable technology causing years of mayhem and human misery. Other corroborating factors to consider:
  • The Horizon statutory inquiry uncovered weak leadership and engineering incompetence at ICL/Fujitsu and Post Office.
  • ICL/Fujitsu was involved in other profligate techno-farces such as Lorenzo (NHS) and Libra (MoJ).
  • Circa 2007, our assessment of ICL/Fujitsu did not find practices necessary for engineering dependable systems.
  • The Post Office NBIT project, due to replace Horizon, has turned farcical, as exposed again by Computer Weekly. Leopards and spots!
  • For Logica, another UK systems-house, our team devised a process for the recruitment of over 200 software engineers, based on objective competence criteria.
  • To quote Elon Musk about repeated failures at Boeing Starliner "Too many non-technical managers at Boeing."

Competent (qualified, trained and experienced) human assets, complying with lifecycle standards (ISO, IEC), is the only viable solution for technological progress and sustainable growth.

Time for competence management to be the rule (of law) in the UK, not the exception!

How it will be delivered

Email the ministers!

Great Britain, United Kingdom

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