To: Conservative Party - David Cameron
Student Loans

Please reduce the student loans otherwise they will end up owing too much debt. They won't even be able to get on the property market. This is really sad as a mother I cannot stop thinking of my children's future. I am really struggling with my daughter and I do worry for my children. .
Why is this important?
Well I think nowadays students are targeted to pay in the system from an early age. I think that Education should be free or the loans should at least be halved than what is expecting of them today. I am really concern as I see I have my daughter who started this year and in 3/4 years time she will end up with a debt of £36000 + interests. In contract in France University fees are free what don't we follow their example.
There isn't a single night when I go to bed and not thinking of my daughter. People might say it is ok but before their children end up paying only half of fee that is required for a year study.
I am trouble by it as I am working mother who know the difficulties of life and how hard to have to work in order to have a good lie. I am stressed and so is my daughter. If she has decided to find a job after Six Form then she would have end up in a low paying job and struggle like her mum.
I think the rich should be the one penalised and not the lower class.
There isn't a single night when I go to bed and not thinking of my daughter. People might say it is ok but before their children end up paying only half of fee that is required for a year study.
I am trouble by it as I am working mother who know the difficulties of life and how hard to have to work in order to have a good lie. I am stressed and so is my daughter. If she has decided to find a job after Six Form then she would have end up in a low paying job and struggle like her mum.
I think the rich should be the one penalised and not the lower class.