To: North Lincolnshire Council

Student transport assistance

Reduce the 3 mile radius for student concessions when travelling to school or college.

Why is this important?

A lot of parents cannot afford to pay daily bus fayre for their children to attend school or college on top of school meals and uniforms and normal daily bills and spends.

Children have to attend school and we encourage college in order to progress education for our future economy.

Currently children that live more than 3 miles away receive massively reduced bus fayre, yet those that live less than this are expected to pay full bis fayre.

This is personal to me as my daughter has started college and there will ne times when we cannot take her and as the cold dark nights creep in there will be time when she has to walk home alone, in the dark for a 49 minute journey. We live 2.5 miles which might not sound much but 49 minutes in the cold and dark is plenty. Ironically enough, any children 5 mins around the corner from us are able to get the bus for 50p a day, £1.90 a day cheaper than my daughter all because she lives 5 minutes closer. So a 54 minute walk warrents travel assistace yet a 49 minute walk does not.

How is it that students are given student discount on an array if items because it is deemed they need the discount, yet traveling to school and college safely is not paramount.

I am not saying it should be free, all I am is saying is that all students should receive a consession when it comes to travel. Ultimately we want our children to be safe and get to school or college on time without the worry or a massive hole in the wallet.
North Lincolnshire, UK

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