To: The Post Office and Government
Sub-Post Office Victims Exoneration Plaques

Every sub-post office mistress and master who had their reputations destroyed by the corrupt post office prosecution scandal wants public exoneration as well as compensation, for the record to be set straight locally in their own community as well as nationally and in court. As well as compensation, reparations for every victim should include the placing of a permanent plaque outside the local post office in the community they served stating their name, that they were the innocent victim of a corrupt prosecution and that they are thanked for the dedicated public service they gave for the years they were at that post office and an apology for the years of suffering they endured.
Why is this important?
Reparations for major injustices are never only about compensation. They are also about public recognition of the harm inflicted and a permanent, public acknowledgement by the perpetrators of that harm, and a setting straight of the record. This would serve as a permanent and local reminder across the country of their innocence, their public duty and the scandalous way they were treated.