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To: George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol

Support Homeless Artists in Bristol

Allow all artists and musicians in Bristol, especially the homeless, to earn an honest living by selling their products legally without interference from local police or other "authorities".

Why is this important?

Today, I walked past a gentleman near the Watershed who was playing his trumpet to a jazz track. It was wonderful to hear live music of such good caliber being performed for the general public. I stopped to listen to at least three pieces, and I applauded for each one. I dug into my wallet and pulled out a handful of coins and tossed them into his tipping hat, then handed him my business card (I'm a private piano teacher) and told him to give me a call if he ever wanted an accompanist. Later this afternoon, I walked past a woman named Lily Bell, whom I've seen before in Broadmead selling her beautiful cards and prints featuring her original artwork. But today, Lily had no artwork to sell. Instead, she was writing with a fat black marker on a white piece of poster board, "POLICE HAVE TAKEN MY ART AFTER I KEEP PAYING LICENCE FEES. I WAS MAKING AN HONEST LIVING, NOW DEGRADED TO..." She didn't get to finish her sign because I began questioning her regarding the details. She explained that she has already applied for her street vendor's licence but hadn't yet received it. She had no proof that she paid for her permit, so the police confiscated her artwork. She is a peaceful woman who is homeless and trying to sell her original art to help make a decent living without panhandling or begging for handouts. And now, she has no artwork to sell, no place to live, and no where to turn. I think it is unfair that the police have taken what is rightfully hers in order to discourage her from selling on the street. She doesn't want a hand out--she wants a hand up. She needs her community to have her back.


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2016-04-25 21:25:53 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-23 00:35:05 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-10 20:41:42 +0100

10 signatures reached