500 signatures reached
To: Wildlands Anders Holst Polvsen. Scottish Government. UK Government. Highland Planning
Support Sutherland Space Station against legal action by Wildlands

Wildlands- Anders Polvsen, promised when they first came here , that if the locals were supporting the Space Port Project , Wildlands would " NOT STAND IN IT'S WAY" !! But Wildlands today have threatened to take the SSP to court to slow & eventually get the project stopped !!
So this is to ask Wildlands to step back from acting against our local project.
So this is to ask Wildlands to step back from acting against our local project.
Why is this important?
I have run the SPUR support group since the Sutherland Space Port Project took roots. I have started this petition because this is extremely important for the future of our area. We have a massive problem with depopulation in Sutherland & Caithness . The real difficulty lies with lack of full time nonseasonal jobs to keep the young in the North. So the promise of up to 40 jobs created by this Space Port will be fantastic, especially if it attracts young professionals with families !! . It also will give autonomy to the local area with money to spend as we wish. Projects we would never be able to afford as things stand now, unless it was on Wildlands agenda!! The links to be set up between the SSP & schools & colleges - universities will be great for any children with interests in science . But most of all i absolutely believe that we should not be so heavily influenced by one land owner. In that unless the project suits his agenda he will throw his fortune behind a court case to stop it with no regard to local opinion or regard to best interest for our community . This is our home we should have the final say not an absentee land owner !! For generations Highlanders have been told what to do by rich land owners THIS HAS TO STOP we must take a stand . The SSP must go ahead for future generations & for those that have always wanted to come home !! So please, put your name to this petition & show the government & Mr Polvsen that we support the SSP.