To: Theresa May

Table a referendum on the outcome of Brexit negotiations before triggering Article 50

Before triggering Article 50 to start formal negotiations, table a second referendum to allow the British people to vote on the outcome of the government's negotiations with EU member states.

Why is this important?

52% of the British people have spoken, we want to leave the EU, but we have been given no concrete details of what that actually entails.

Article 50 needs to be triggered but we need assurances from the government that our voices will continue to be heard, that out best interests will be kept in mind, that the UK as a whole will be best served in this move.

Some of the poorest communities in our country have, until now, relied upon EU funding. We need to know what the government will do to ensure that those people most at risk will not suffer as a result of this move. We need to know that the jobs we all rely on to put food on the table will not be at risk as a result of the deals being negotiated on our behalf.

In short, we shouldn't be leaving the EU at any cost. We have to know that it is the very best move for our families and the wider UK population as a whole and the government must be held accountable for this by way of a second referendum.