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To: Uk government, council members, environmental activists

Climate control

Dear Uk Government,
I am writing to you today to address the issue with climate change and the impact this is having on the environment. I feel we need to deal with this before it’s too late, the world is being destroyed by human beings and if we don’t do something soon then the future generations won’t have a world to to live on! Do you want to be living on a polluted earth? This situation is getting more and more serious every minute. The factories and cars are polluting the earth along with many other things also species are dying! For example the northern white rhino there are only 2 of this species left in the whole world! We need to act fast before it’s too late! Please help and spread this message to as many people that you can, this is very urgent!

Why is this important?

Climate control is one of the most important issues around today. Humans need to act by using more sustainable energy and recycling better! Is it fair for your children to live in a polluted earth just because of the impact we have made to the environment? We need all the help we can get to spread this issue to as many people as possible! Thank you for your time.



2022-08-31 17:58:25 +0100

10 signatures reached