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To: Ann Coffey

Take Stockport's homeless crisis more seriously.

Our council needs to help out by donating money to homeless charities in Stockport, such as the Salvation Army or the Wellspring.

Why is this important?

In 2013 the homeless population in Stockport was around 124; a year later this increased rapidly and as of 2014 there are now over 340 (according to Manchester evening news). Homelessness can happen to anyone; it is important that in hard times such as these that we remember those which are less fortunate than ourselves. We need to remember that there are 340+ people, in our own town, who may be going without a warm meal or a safe place to spend the night.

Imagine spending a night in an ally way, an underpass or even a cave... Maybe you wouldn't mind for a night but a month? A year? This is the harsh reality that people have to deal with.

Currently there are charities in Stockport that aim to help the homeless, however these depend solely on public donations. The sad truth is that this is simply not enough...

This is where this campaign comes in, if together we can get enough votes to raise awareness of this issue perhaps we may be able to get government funding for some of these charities.


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2016-11-23 20:34:06 +0000

10 signatures reached