To: Lord Greenhaigh - Minister of State ([email protected])

Take Stronger Action To STOP RACIAL ABUSE

Following the recent rise in Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all racism, underlined by the disgusting racial abuse of some England football players following their Euro 2020 defeat, we are calling for immediate action to be taken to:
1) Take action, with governments across the world, to stop social media sites allowing any form of racial abuse, comments or promotion. With major repercussions for the individuals controlling sites that continue to allow this to continue.
2) Grant the police more powers to deal with racial abuse
3) Increase the punishment for all racial abuse

Why is this important?

Our Government and those across the world need to take much stronger action against Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all racism IMMEDIATELY. It is spiralling out of control and must be tackled head on now.