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The Green Party IS a Major Party.

Upgrade the Green Party of England and Wales to 'Major Party' status for th 2015 General Election.

Why is this important?

For too long the political views of young people in the United Kingdom have been swept aside, not only by the so called 'major parties' but also by the mainstream British Media.

Recent polls show that the Green Party of England and Wales, in the run up to the 2015 General Election, are polling at the same level as the Liberal Democrats who are themselves considered one of the major parties. To add insult to injury OFCOM have decided to upgrade the status of UKIP to major party, giving them more television time, more radio time and more opportunity.

Quite frankly the decision taken by OFCOM to not grant 'Major Party' status to the Green Party is symbolic of two things. The first, that they are stuck in the past, unwilling to listen to the views of young people, not dissimilar to the current government. Secondly, that OFCOM as an organisation are more worried about viewing rates, and consider the controversial politics of UKIP to be better for viewing statistics.

Both of these facts are unavoidable and unacceptable and we would call upon the UK OFCOM to reconsider its decision and upgrade The Green Party of England and Wales to Major Party status for the 2015 General Election.



2016-06-09 18:39:33 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-01-14 09:57:00 +0000

10 signatures reached